Tuesday, December 20, 2016

A New Day in Narnia!

After the battle things happened pretty quickly.  Lucy and her siblings were crowned Kings and Queens of Narnia.  It was a glorious day in the history of Narnia.  In fact, there probably wasn't one quite like it.  Never has there been a King and Queen in Narnia like the Pevensie Family.  And I was given a high position in the government to reward me for how I helped Lucy in
the beginning.  It was all so wonderful.

Years went by, and I saw a white stag run past my cave.  This wasn't any old stag.  It was a magical stag which could grant wishes if caught.  It was almost a mythical beast since no one had seen the White Stag in many a year.  I couldn't help but to run to Cair Paravel to tell High King Peter.

It took no time for a hunting party to be put together.  Many rode out to find the stag, but after time the stag ran into a thick piece of the woods.  The Kings and Queens followed on foot... and never came back.

We waited for what seemed like hours, but then it dawned on me.  We were so close to the Lamp Post.  It had been so long, I nearly forgot about the Lamp Post.  We all came to realize that our Kings and Queens headed back to through the Ward Robe to the Spare Oom and we would never see them again.

This was a sad day in Narnia, but it was time to move forward to start anew to keep Narnia on the path of good and not evil.

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